虽然几乎每种电子产品都内置了硅芯片,但有些应用对硅芯片的效率要求会更高。碳化硅芯片作为硅芯片的高性能替代品,愈发得到广泛应用,而 VAT 提供的真空解决方案能够使碳化硅芯片在越来越多的应用中可持续使用。(2分钟阅读)
We are pleased to announce that VAT has two new representatives in Denmark and Sweden since November.
In VACPRO ApS (Denmark) and PicoPascal AB (Sweden) we have found a dedicated local partner to support our customers in accordance with VAT’s highest standards of excellence and quality.
For a seamless support and service, please direct all inquiries, purchase orders and requests for VAT products to the respective representative.
For more details, visit our partners website (VACPRO ApS / PicoPascal AB) or find their contact information on vatvgroup.com/contact.