Media Release
Ad Hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
Part of the VAT initiative to achieve CO2 neutrality of all production and business activities is also the aspect of mobility, not only in the area of goods logistics, but also in the area of travel of employees and visitors to and from VAT locations as well as to customers and suppliers.
Wherever possible, VAT primarily supports the avoidance of trips, e.g. through online meetings or home offices, if this is possible. However, if trips are necessary, the goal is to make them as CO2-neutral as possible, e.g., to prefer bicycles to cars, to travel together instead of alone, or to use technologies that are lower in CO2 emissions, such as e-drives.
VAT has now taken a small, further step towards supporting the use of such technologies by commissioning the first four e-car charging stations at its headquarters in Haag.
VAT intends to gradually increase the number of stations on its premises over the coming months. Charging the cars is CO2-neutral, as VAT obtains its electricity entirely from renewable energy sources.