SESAME stands for Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East. This unique facility is an international center of excellence in the truest sense of the word: developed in a multi-national collaboration under the auspices of UNESCO, modelled after CERN, and supported by various governments worldwide. The active members of SESAME are currently Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Pakistan, Palestine, and Turkey – a wonderful example for how countries can, despite severe political and cultural discrepancies, cooperate peacefully to bring science ahead!

A synchrotron radiation (SR) source produces intense X-ray pulses, with wavelengths and intensities that allow extremely precise studies of, e.g., material surfaces, human cells, or even atoms. In recent decades, the extraordinary power of synchrotron light has had an immense impact in almost all fields of science, including archaeology, biology, chemistry, environmental science, geology, medicine, and physics.

SESAME machine used BESSY I injector

The SESAME design is based on a 2.5 GeV hard X-ray storage ring as requested by the research community in the Middle East region. The SESAME machine is an energy ramping machine using the 800 MeV injector of the old German BESSY I facility (donated by the German government), which went through a comprehensive upgrade that increased its reliability and improved its performance. SESAME has another unique feature: It is the first SR source in the world that is powered solely by renewable energy!

Today, five beamlines are in operation at SESAME, and more are being planned. All of SESAME’s vacuum systems are based on VAT valve technology. Here, the VAT products can prove their durability and reliability once again. The long-term cooperation between VAT and SESAME has been very productive, and VAT is looking forward to bringing in more of their vacuum skills into this exciting science project!

Banner image by Caraban Gonzalez, Noemi photographer, CERN-PHOTO-201811-345-3 on CERN.