Best of Two: Combined High Performance Valve Technology

The 95.3 Control and Isolation Valve Combo Unit combines the best of two valve technologies in one compact unit. In the 95.3 series, a butterfly control valve acting as throttle valve is combined with an angle valve - up to DN 50mm (2”) - or a gate valve  - DN 63mm (2.5”) and larger - providing excellent controllability with leak-tight isolation (< 1 x 10-9 mbar ls-1). The advantage of this combination design is its very small footprint as it requires just one controller for both valves and does not require the additional Flanges and connectors normally needed when installing two separate valves.

The integrated 32-bit IC2 pressure controller controls the butterfly plate position to a fast, precise and very fine degree, offering excellent controllability over a wide conductance range. The same controller also controls the isolation function of the integrated angle or gate valve. The movement cycles of both valves are synchronized in one movement profile to provide smooth operation with optimum control and isolation functionality. The combo valve even opens the butterfly plate by a defined angle while the isolation valve is closed in order to avoid dead volume in closed position.

Already installed in thousands of demanding applications under various process conditions, the 95.3 HV Control and Isolation Valve Combo Unit has proven its outstanding reliability.

95.3 DN 25
95.3 DN 100


The 95.3 HV Control and Isolation Valve Combo Unit is available in stainless steel (up to DN 50 only) and aluminum, in sizes from DN 25 - 250mm (1” - 10”) with standard flange connectors in ISO-KF and ISO-F. Customer-specific flanges can be integrated. Various FFKM/FKM elastomers are available on request with FKM as standard.

Key features of the 95.3 HV Control and Isolation Valve Combo


    • Minimal footprint
    • Reduced installation requirements
    • One control for both integrated valves
    • Opening at differential pressure


    • Minimal required installation space
    • Combined advantages of two valve technologies
    • Easy installation
    • Low cost of ownership

  • Technical data
Sizes  DN 25 (1"), DN 40 (1½"), DN 50 (2"),
DN 63 (2½"), DN 80 (3"), DN 100 (4"),
DN 160 (6"), DN 200 (8"), DN 250 (10")
Actuator  Integrated Pressure Controller with Stepper Motor
Body Material DN 25 – 50Aluminum or Stainless Steel
Standard Flanges  ISO-KF, ISO-F
Leak RateValve Body, Valve Seat < 1 × 10-9 mbar ls-1
Pressure Range DN 25 – 50
DN 63 – 250
1 × 10-8 mbar to 1.2 bar (abs)
1 × 10-7 mbar to 1.2 bar (abs)
Cycles until First Service1)Pressure Control 2 Million
 Closing/OpeningDN 25 – 50
DN 63 – 100
DN 160 – 250
2 Million
200 000
100 000
TemperatureValve Body
 ≤ 120 °C
Max. 50 °C (≤ 35 °C recommended)
Mounting Position  Any


1) Maximum values depending on operating conditions and sealing materials


Customized Solution

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