Media Release
Ad Hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
In valves with pneumatic or electromagnetic actuators, shocks and vibrations inevitably occur when the valve gate is bumped or braked. Although such disturbances can be reliably reduced by a wide variety of technical tricks, in many applications the effort required for vibration damping is considerable or, in extreme cases, leads to restrictions in performance parameters.
For this reason, VAT is increasingly turning to electric drives. This type of drive is characterized by a precisely controllable closing or opening movement of the valve gate even with very short closing times. The increasing requirements in modern high-tech applications - such as the production of semiconductor chips - in terms of low vibration make this technical solution increasingly interesting for isolation valves as well.
Accordingly, in addition to the development of electric actuators for vacuum control valves, VAT has also been working on the development of motor-driven valve variants for vacuum isolation valves for several years. Special attention is being paid to the group of angle valves - a universal and very modular valve design that is used in an enormous number of applications. In angle valves, the electric actuator brings significant advantages in terms of shock and vibration prevention. Electrically driven angle valves do not require any additional mechanical vibration damping and can therefore be brought closer to vibration-critical process areas, which reduces the complexity of vacuum systems in many areas.
Individual Motor Layout for Every Application
In order to make the best possible use of the advantages of the electric actuator, individual power transmissions and motor layouts are defined for each valve application. For example, valves designed for ultra-fast cycle times must be operated with different motors than valves with normal closing cycles, and large valves with heavy gates require different motor dimensions than small valves.
It is common practice for VAT customers to subject the newly developed valves to their own testing and stake out possible areas of application. For the new, electrically driven angle valve variant 26.4, this "qualification phase" is currently in full swing: various companies in the research and industrial sectors are testing valves of this series and sounding out what possibilities the new performance parameters bring for the optimization of existing or the construction of future systems.
One such field test at India's renowned BARC large-scale research facility has now confirmed that the noise level of VAT's newly developed 26.4 (DN 25) series motor-controlled high-vacuum angle valve has been reduced to less than 48 dB, a clear parameter for shock and vibration avoidance. VAT's stated under 300 ms closing time also proved reliable in various load tests. With the announcement that the new angle valves are not only more smoothly controllable, but also very quick to close, VAT has not promised too much!